Let Us Protect Your Business Property, People & Assets

Business Insurance

Business success doesn’t happen without taking a certain level of risk. It’s how well you manage this risk that’s key to your firm’s bottom line and growth. At MGRA we’re here to help you reduce, mitigate, and transfer risk so you can focus on moving your business forward. We accomplish this by examining your operation and the exposures you face to determine how we transfer your risk with sound insurance solutions. We also minimize your exposures with robust loss control and safety programs. 

Inside Your Property Risks

We insure all types of businesses – from tech start-ups to Main Street businesses; to larger companies with multiple locations, manufacturers, financial institutions, law firms, and franchises across the country. Each business has its own risk profile and requires the expertise and experience of our professionals who take the time to look at the impact a loss would have on an operation. This includes assessing your property risks, which means not only properly insuring your building and business personal property in the event of a fire, theft or other hazard, but also looking at what would happen if your operation were forced to close for a period of time due to a covered loss.

Our staff will also look at your exposure if you need to rebuild after a covered loss and are required to meet contract requirements. We will evaluate whether your Property insurance program includes Ordinance or Law coverage so that you don’t incur the additional costs to meet new HVAC requirements or other regulations. We’ll also examine your risk in the event your equipment breaks down due to a covered peril – critical for most businesses, particularly for manufacturers, restaurateurs, healthcare, and the tech sector.

Inside Your Liability Risks

Safeguarding your assets is critical in the successful operation of your business. Liability risks abound from many different sources: customer and vendor slips and falls on your premises, unclear contractual obligations, liquor liability and food contamination for the food, retail and hospitality industries, errors and omissions in the course of performing professional services, vehicular accidents, employee-related disputes, allegations of mismanagement, cyber attacks; and many others. We’ll put together a robust Liability program that addresses your unique business exposures:

Additional Products We Offer

Depending on your business, its size and industry sector, we can provide you with a portfolio of Property and Liability coverages in a Commercial Package Policy or with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP).

Our other products include Multinational coverages, Terrorism Risk insurance and bonds.

You will also receive the benefits of our risk consulting services. We’ll work with you to identify potential loss exposures and recognize methods to reduce the likelihood of loss and its severity.

Protecting Your Company & Employees

MGRA also specializes in helping businesses keep their Workers Compensation insurance costs under control. We will find you a home for your Comp coverage with solutions that include everything from first-dollar coverage and dividend programs to self-insured programs with specific and aggregate excess coverages. We’ll also evaluate your safety program to help minimize the potential for claims and review your documents; including your experience modification worksheet, payroll audits, and loss-sensitive rating adjustments, to see where we can make improvements.

We can secure Key Person Life insurance for you as well. A Key Person Life policy provides a company with a death benefit to help cover financial losses that occur at the death of a key person. You can use the insurance proceeds for expenses until you can find a replacement person or if necessary pay off debts, distribute money to investors, etc. Key Person Life insurance can help your business continue its success by reducing the uncertainties under which it operates in the event an owner, partner, or key executive passes away.


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