A Plate of Products Designed to Protect You In & Out of the Kitchen

MGRA Restaurants Practice

Every day your restaurant operation faces a number of exposures that can upend your operation: from slips and falls on the premises, to the potential for an intoxicated patron to cause an accident once he or she leaves your establishment, to food contamination, property damage, equipment breakdown, business interruption, data breaches and allegations of employee discrimination or harassment. There’s so much to think about.

At MGRA, we help take these risks off your plate so you can focus on serving your customers great food and service. We specialize in providing restaurants with a total insurance and risk management solution. We insure fast food franchises as well as family style, fine dining, casual dining and catering establishments.

How Well Does Your Restaurant Liability Insurance Cover You?

In reviewing your liability insurance program, there are certain key areas our professional staff will look at to insure that your coverage doesn’t fall short. These include but are not limited to:

We will also assess the Food Contamination coverage included in your program – both under your Property & Liability coverage. A contamination incident can impact your business in several ways: there is the cost to destroy or dispose of the contaminated products; the value of the discarded products; and the potential of a lawsuit by individuals who were injured or became ill from the tainted food. A food contamination incident can damage your company’s brand and reputation.

Is Your Restaurant Property Coverage Responsive?

In analyzing your Property coverage, MGRA will conduct a top-to-bottom review to determine how well your property exposures are addressed, including:

The staff at MGRA will also review your Workers Compensation insurance program to determine how we can help you improve safety and better manage your costs.


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